Write a letter to the editor

If you have never written a letter to the editor before, don’t worry. It’s easy. You don’t have to have any special knowledge of Ukraine or even of newspapers. It takes just a few minutes. It’s a very effective way to let your community and your elected representatives know you care about Ukraine.

Step 1 – Choose what newspaper you want to submit a letter to the editor to.

Step 2 – Check the submission instructions for that newspaper.

  • What word count range does the newspaper accept? A good length to aim for is usually around 120-150 words.
  • How does the newspaper receive letters to the editor? Most have a simple online form to fill out, while some take submissions via email.
  • What personal information does the newspaper require for verification? Many newspapers require an address and telephone number. These aren’t published, but used to check that you are a real person from their area.

Step 3 – Write your letter. We have a template below you can use to get started. Simply copy & paste the text text below, personalize it with a few sentences of your own, add the names of your senators and representative, and submit it.

Sample LTE titles:

  • When We Stand Up for Ukraine, We Are Standing Up for Democracy Everywhere
  • When the U.S. Supports Ukraine, We Are Helping Ourselves
  • The U.S. Must Remain the Global Leader for Freedom and Democracy

Topic ideas:

  • Helping Ukraine defend itself is vital to future peace and prosperity in the US.
  • Keep US soldiers from dying in foreign wars: help Ukraine stop Russia now.
  • Americans thought liberty was worth fighting for 1776 – just like Ukrainians today.
  • 80-90% of US military aid to Ukraine actually stays right here in America.

Example letters to the editor:

Negotiation has its time and place – Ukraine isn’t it (204 words)

You cannot negotiate with a war criminal or a tyrant bent on annexing its neighbors.

In response to a recent letter (“Diplomacy is the only option in Ukraine,” April 26), I would like to put things into historical perspective. You cannot negotiate with a war criminal, you cannot negotiate with a tyrant bent on annexing parts or all of its neighbors and, lastly, you cannot negotiate with a despot who jails his opponents or poisons them.

One need not look back far in history to learn these hard lessons.

Negotiation has its time and place and this isn’t it. The American Civil War had a period of stalemate, World War I was a stalemate for three years and World War II was a stalemate in Europe until we became involved. Had we not persevered and refused to negotiate our world today would be a much different and darker place, ruled by dictators and tyrants like Vladimir Putin.

To quote Winston Churchill: “You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth.” I, for one, am proud that we stand on the side of freedom and justice for Ukraine.

Randy Wakefield

Portland Press Herald, April 30, 2023

Ronald Reagan would be in full support of Ukraine (143 words)

I write this letter to all Republicans and conservatives. Joe Kent, listen up.

Ronald Reagan would be in full support of Ukraine today if he were alive. He would recognize the opportunity we have at relatively little expense in defeating our long-time adversary, Russia, freeing Ukraine, freeing the former satellite states of the USSR, and freeing the Russian people.

He would never coddle up to Putin. He would send a clear message to China and all other authoritarian states: Don’t seek expansion by invasion.

So despite the cult worship that has arisen around Donald Trump, remain committed to American values and support the brave people of Ukraine who are dying for their freedom and the freedom of all other peoples who live in the dark shadow of the KGB.

Slava Ukraine!

Jon Cushman, Chehalis

The Chronicle, September 27, 2023

Think of Ukraine aid as freedom insurance (241 words)

Some are now questioning U.S. aid to Ukraine.

It’s true that we have many problems at home that need funding, but I see our aid as buying insurance. Not life insurance but insurance that our troops will not need life insurance in the future. The Kremlin has muttered about Poland and the Baltic countries. Putin wants to reestablish the Soviet Union and is especially put out that the Baltic countries are free.

Should Putin succeed in Ukraine, these countries could be next, which would require U.S. troop involvement under NATO Article 5. When unconfronted by the West and especially the U.S., Putin went into Georgia in 2008 and Crimea and Eastern Ukraine in 2014. We need to push back in Ukraine to serve notice that he can no longer get away with this. Considering the cost of human life, the cost of our aid is cheap insurance.

The U.S. has given Ukraine more aid than any other country. But as a percentage of GDP, we are way down the line, at No. 12. Estonia has contributed more than four times and Poland over twice what we have given as a percentage of their country’s GDP. Google “Ukraine aid as percentage of GDP” and click on the first entry from Statista. This gives a complete list of Ukraine aid by country. Of big European countries, France, Spain and Italy are the laggards.

Carl Torgerson, Longview

The Daily News, October 25, 2023

Ukraine aid is justified (235 words)

In a Nov. 5 Letter to the Editor, Lynn McLinden opposes further aid to Ukraine, noting that those who have not fled the eastern part of the country are mainly Russian speakers.

Hitler’s annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia was similarly “justified.”

The writer can’t decide whether Russian President Vladimir Putin or Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is more responsible for this war. This view is reminiscent of the cartoon in which a character who has been shot in the leg laments, “I shouldn’t have kicked that bullet.”

If Ukraine cedes its eastern part to Russia, that would represent just a down payment, for Russia denies that Ukraine is really a nation. Unless Ukraine successfully defends itself, it will be swallowed by Russia and likely would suffer the fate of the defenders of Mariupol.

Ukrainians know this well, and thus they are defending their nation in spite of their great suffering and losses.

The U.S. contributes less than 2 percent of its budget and no American soldiers to the defense of Ukraine. Compared with all our defense expenses, this contribution is a great bargain.

In a departing shot, similar to former President Donald Trump’s birther lie about former President Barack Obama’s citizenship, McLinden makes an unsupported and baseless suggestion that President Joe Biden is aiding Ukraine because Zelenskyy is blackmailing him. Such pernicious rumors are fit only for extremist publications.


The News-Gazette, November 19, 2023

Sample letter to the editor to copy & paste and personalize:

America has long been a shining example of the good that comes from building a country based on freedom and democracy. People across the world who live under dictators have hope for a better future because Americans are strong and free. 

We must continue our legacy of supporting freedom and democracy by supporting Ukraine. We cannot quit our Ukrainian friends in their time of need. Doing so would strengthen the enemies of freedom and democracy everywhere, especially in Russia, China and Iran. 

Make no mistake, Putin will continue his deadly march of force and war crimes and try to seize NATO allies’ lands. He has said that Poland and Latvia are next after Ukraine. Every American must stand with Ukraine and our allies and say “Not on my watch!” Doing so checks Putin’s power and sends a powerful message to our adversaries. Dictators cannot bomb countries and their civilians into submission. 

I urge senators _________ and __________ and Representative ___________ to support continued funding for Ukraine.


(your name here)